representation essay - Grey's Anatomy

In this clip from Grey’s Anatomy, a prevalent theme of gender comes through ; p articularly the element of women empowerment. A patient who is just about to enter surgery is seen to be supported by all the women the hospital has to offer. There is one nurse who seems to have a stronger bond with the patient and specifically helps her throughout this scene. This clip portrays unconventional elements but also many elements of realism. The interaction between the two male doctors at the beginning of the scene immediately set up this unconventional gender element. As one doctor tries to enter a hallway the other one stops him which sets up an enigma of what is going on. The audience are immediately interested in what are behind those doors. The doctor then allows a women to walk through the doors in which the doctor replies 'but she can go' which creates irony and although not intentional a moment where the classic roles of a male being superior are switched. This whole inter...