representation essay - Grey's Anatomy

In this clip from Grey’s Anatomy, a prevalent theme of gender comes through; particularly the element of women empowerment. A patient who is just about to enter surgery is seen to be supported by all the women the hospital has to offer. There is one nurse who seems to have a stronger bond with the patient and specifically helps her throughout this scene. This clip portrays unconventional elements but also many elements of realism. 

The interaction between the two male doctors at the beginning of the scene immediately set up this unconventional gender element. As one doctor tries to enter a hallway the other one stops him which sets up an enigma of what is going on. The audience are immediately interested in what are behind those doors. The doctor then allows a women to walk through the doors in which the doctor replies 'but she can go' which creates irony and although not intentional a moment where the classic roles of a male being superior are switched. This whole interaction also leaves a question and intrigue with the audience as they also wonder why she can go but he can't. This idea of women empowerment is carried on as we see a tracking shot of all the women nurses lining up against the wall in almost dominoe effect. In some way this could symbolise how men line up for war which is unconventional as we now see just women doing this.

Plenty of shot-reverse-shots are used throughout this clip to highlight relationship between characters and create a sense of realism. Continuity editing is also a major key in the realistic aspect. The realistic aspect creates a linear narrative that is smooth and easy to watch; the audience almost feel like they are there. POV shots are also used to incorporate this idea of the audience actually being there. At the beginning, before the main character is revealed we feel like we are in her position as we view what she views but also hear the diegetic sounds she does like the distorted voice over of a women instructing everyone to line up but the also the non-diegetic sound of her heartbeat. A swooshing sound effect transition is used to move this distorted effect into a more clear voice; which still leaves the audience with the feeling that they are hearing exactly what this patient is hearing. The voice is of the nurse Jo who is the primary helper to this patient. Their relationship is shown through many tracking and close up shots which reveal the holding of their hands. The dialogue from Jo later on in the scene of 'I'm staying right here' re-iterates their hands being held as she literally will not let her go.

The score of the clip is a key part in creating a real inspirational and sentimental mood. The setting being at a hospital from the beginning creates this chaotic and tenses atmosphere before we even see nurses running around. Shots are also edited to change on the same beat as the music which creates something that is familiar for the audience which is comforting but also resembles that sound of a heartbeat which is symbolic to the heartbeat we were hearing earlier. As the patient begins to be rolled to surgery the score overtakes all the diegetic sounds of the hospital; almost like bringing peace to the chaos. Like mentioned before the score is inspirational but it's also empowering and hopeful which links to the whole women empowerment feeling from before. Towards the end when the diegetic sounds of the hospital; like the machines beeping and people talking are slowly faded back in there is a different mood. The classic tense feeling of a hospital is no longer present due to the song and the effect it left on the mood. In some way we have unconventionally experienced an equilibrium as an audience. An equilibrium is a state of peace and calm which often exists at the beginning of a film's narrative. Unconventionally this has occurred but in the opposite way.



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