
Showing posts from February, 2022

What I did today 28/02/2022

  I finished the editing tutorial and started editing my film. :)

Learning to use the equipment

  Today we learned how to use the camera, sound and lighting equipment. We used a Sony XD cam. We practiced using the white balance feature on the camera with a fleccie. We also practiced establishing shots and hand held shots that we will use primarily in our preliminary task one. We attached the boom to the camera and practiced a shot with sound in the background. We also learned how to use a pole to extend the boom out so our arms wouldn't be in the shot. We used lighting to try capture silhouettes which will be a feature in our preliminary task one. However the silhouettes didn't come out solid due to the low lighting. This will be different when we actually go to film as we are doing it at nighttime. We also played around with different colour hues and found a blue light gives off a relatively cold mood which we found interesting and helpful and something we will probably feature.

Concept (preliminary task 1)

  Concept Title: Smile (an action thriller about a serial killer) The title of our film is 'smile' due to not only the literal use of this word in the dialogue of the scene but the irony that comes along with it. The title also directly links to the serial killer as his calling card ( i n   criminology, a calling card is a particular object sometimes left behind by a criminal at a scene of a crime, often as a way of taunting police or claiming responsibility) is that of a smiley-face balloon. You will find the irony in the way 'smile' has connotations of happiness and joy yet we are using it in a completely contrasting way. Target Audience: 16 years and older as the content may be too mature and scary for a younger audience (serial killer, the twist of turning something childish into something sinister). Institutional/genre conventions to be included: symbolism/iconography: The yellow balloon is being used in a contrasting, ironic way to what it would usually be used in

Shot list (preliminary task 1)

  Shot list:   medium close up shot  of victim packing up laptop (showing his hands from his POV).   over-the-shoulder shot  as victim picks up phone and reads text.   close up shot  on victim's face as he looks around confused and frightened.   mid shot  of victim continuing to pack up but more frantically now.   close up  on victim's face (thinking he may of heard something).   mid shot  of victim taking his things and leaving office; wait 3 seconds to then see quick movement of a silhouette.   mid shot  (match on action shot) of victim leaving office through door.   mid shot  following victim outside.   over-the-shoulder shot  as victim sees killer standing in the doorway he just left from.   wide shot  of victim dropping his things and running, keep frame for 2 seconds before seeing killer run into view.   mid shot  of victim running.   close up  of victim looking behind him.   mid shot  of killer running.   high angle mid shot  of victim tripping and turning around frantic

Moodboard (preliminary task 1)

 made by niav rice

Storyboard (preliminary task 1)

  Storyboard for preliminary task one: Smile made by Niav Rice

Film Schedule (preliminary task 1)

  23rd February 2022 --> filming day 8:00 pm  - meet at double classrooms and set up 8:05 pm  - film first scene in classroom (victim packing up, victim receiving text message, silhouette moving).  equipment needed: laptop laptop case phone 8:20 pm  - film scene 2 (match on action shot of victim leaving office, killer leaving office and making presence known, victim dropping things and beginning to run, killer running into view). equipment needed: laptop case 8:45 pm  - film scene 3 (chase scene, shot-reverse-shot) no equipment needed 9:00 pm  - film scene 4 (victim tripping, brief fight scene, killer pinning victim down). no equipment needed 9:15 pm  - film scene 5 (murder scene, shot-reverse-shot) equipment needed: knife 9:25 pm  - film scene 6 (killer walking away, victim in pool of blood, balloon reveal) equipment needed: knife balloon blood 9:35 pm  - DONE  made by Niav Rice

What I'm doing (preliminary task 1)

  (pre-production) storyboard shot list early technical decisions props and costumes filming equipment organisation film schedules (production) equipment final check audio operator location shot setup director actors --> oscar + kevin (post production) evidence of pre production planning basic plot on timeline treatment explanation of above.

Brainstorm (preliminary task 1)

  Brainstorm for preliminary task one:

thriller sub-genres

  Thriller sub genres from Niav Rice

Codes and Conventions of the thriller genre

  Analysis of opening sequence of 'A quiet place' title of day 89 at the beginning immediately leaves audience with a question catastrophic event is showed through use of shots and how town has been left\ the establishing shots give more information of maybe why the town is empty. bag of chips and food that would be noisy to eat is left on shelves at supermarket. muffled sound of deaf character and her perspective gives more info. the child running around is needed in order for us to even hear the muffled sounds and realize we are now in her perspective. camera racking between the child and medicine shows the child is sick and why the family could be in the deserted supermarket. drawing of rocket- wants to escape shows severity of situation mother running to catch toy shows how serious staying quiet in this environment is, it's not just a game the kids are playing. suspense of certainty- waiting out for event to occur, child picking up batteries, shows irony. music matches

Stuart Hall's Reception Theory

  Reception theory from Niav Rice

Shot Practice

Mid-shot Establishing shot Wide shot Over-the-shoulder shot Extreme close-up High angle shot Low angle shot Extreme wide-shot Close-up Two-shot  

Welcome to my blog

Hi I am Niav Rice and I am a year 13 student at City Impact Church School and this is my blog for 2022 AS Media Studies. Hope you enjoy what you see :)