Shot list (preliminary task 1)
Shot list:
- medium close up shot of victim packing up laptop (showing his hands from his POV).
- over-the-shoulder shot as victim picks up phone and reads text.
- close up shot on victim's face as he looks around confused and frightened.
- mid shot of victim continuing to pack up but more frantically now.
- close up on victim's face (thinking he may of heard something).
- mid shot of victim taking his things and leaving office; wait 3 seconds to then see quick movement of a silhouette.
- mid shot (match on action shot) of victim leaving office through door.
- mid shot following victim outside.
- over-the-shoulder shot as victim sees killer standing in the doorway he just left from.
- wide shot of victim dropping his things and running, keep frame for 2 seconds before seeing killer run into view.
- mid shot of victim running.
- close up of victim looking behind him.
- mid shot of killer running.
- high angle mid shot of victim tripping and turning around frantically.
- wide shot of killer tussling him to the ground.
- low angle mid shot from victim's POV showing the killer pinning him down.
- shot-reverse-shot as dialogue occurs.
- extreme close up on victim's eyes to show fear and knowledge of whats about to occur.
- low angle mid shot of killer pulling out knife and stabbing victim.
- fade out of black to wide shot focused on killer walking away.
- camera wracking to low angle wide shot of victim in pool of blood.
- camera pan upwards to mid shot of balloon bopping in air.
- END SCENE (fade to black)
made by niav rice
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