concept (foundation portfolio)


We'll meet again
(an abduction thriller)
Our film is titled "we'll meet again" because of the song with the same title by Vera Lynn. It's a hopeful, optimistic song that will be playing at the end of the film when our main character is getting abducted. This not only challenges the normal convention of a thriller to have an intense or suspenseful score but also contrasts the events that will be occurring during the duration of the song. There is nothing hopeful or optimistic about the situation. It also implements the idea that we may be seeing these characters again throughout the film which gives that slight bit of hope to the audience that there may be survival for the main character. However, like the lyrics go on to say "don't know where, don't know when" there is still a slight feeling of uncertainty which allows the film to still hold onto that sense of mystery.

target audience

16 years old and over as the themes of the movie may be too mature for anyone younger. The themes being abduction, violence, darkness, scary, potential jump scares.

institutional/genre conventions to be included
  • symbolism/iconography: 
    • The victim's clothing will be white and clean relating to his innocence and purity but also the reality that he is a very easy target. A white top is very easy to get dirty and just like his top the victim will be very easy to make unconscious. 
    • The headphones (if used) signify the victim's oblivion to the events that are inevitably are about to occur. As he won't be able to hear the car approaching he is seen to be too late to save himself. The question is whether or not he would have been able to save himself if it weren't for the headphones.
    • The gold mask (if used) symbolises the warped perception the abductor has of himself as gold represents success, achievement and triumph. However, this does not correlate with his true character as he is none of these things. It may be slightly resemble his victory in kidnapping the victim but in general he is just the villain so being involved with the gold colour is very contrasting.
  • irony: In our dialogue we have included a line that goes something "Oh no. Not today." Harry (the victim) will say this line we he notices the car following him. This is obviously ironic as by this point the audience start to realise that the abduction probably will happen. This line adds a slight sense of humour to the film which gives the idea that the film could involve dark humour and become very twisted.
  • Sound: The sound at the beginning of the film will either be the music the victim is listening to or just the diegetic sounds of the setting. If we use the music Harry is listening to; we will edit this in post production to make it sound to the audience that we can hear everything from Harry's POV. This sound will go in and out of the actual diegetic sounds and Harry's sounds. If we don't end up using the headphones we will just use diegetic sounds at the beginning of the film as Harry walks home. The diegetic sounds will be that of crickets and Harry muttering and then eventually that of the car driving into the scene. The car will be playing the song 'we'll meet again' by Vera Lynn and this song will remain for the rest of the film. It will slowly get louder as the door of the car opens and then eventually turn into the non-diegetic score as it cancels out all other diegetic sound as the credits appear. I also want to get a shot of the abductor slamming the boot of their car down and potentially add this loud bang at the end to symbolise the end of the scene and song but also shock the audience at little bit as the it may be something they weren't expecting. This increases the suspense of the film and sets up for an interesting rest of the film. The song 'we'll meet again' is also an interesting choice for this film as when you listen to it a thriller movie is definitely not the first though that comes to mind. This song challenges that typical, eerie, suspenseful score as it displays a more romantic feeling. This will make the audience almost feel weirdly comfortable which engages them as they wait and see how this comfort will be taken away from them.
  • lighting: We will be using low lighting as we will be filming at night time. Our primary lighting will most likely be coming from the street lamps which give off an orange hue. This colour challenges that typical convention of having a blue hue or red hue in thrillers as they symbolise feelings of darkness and danger. Whereas, orange symbolises feelings of warmth and comfort however this completely contrasts the events that will occur in the street. Lighting will also come from the headlights of the car. Due to the low lighting there will be many shadows and silhouettes which link to the mystery of the film and the concealment of the true identity of the abductor. The shadows cast over Harry will also create the idea that he is too about to be consumed by the darkness.
  • narrative: The narrative is a very basic and typical thriller plot but the simplicity is what will make it effective. It is conventionally filled with shadows/silhouettes, canted angles and a minor jump scare. These conventions create a film that is easy and entertaining to watch but also suspenseful and intense. The camera's perspective follows Harry and the way in which he is abducted. The camera follows him in one whole shot which will be a new and interesting avenue for us to explore.

plot synopsis

The opening shot will begin with a wide shot that is hand held showing Harry walking into the shot front on. Harry will walk towards the camera muttering to himself about the party he was just at or putting in headphones beginning to listen to music as he makes his way home. As Harry gets closer to the camera and is at the point where it is now a medium shot the camera will start tracking him backwards as we follow Harry walking front on switching between a medium and wide shot. At one point the camera will move angles to show Harry side on looking towards the street as a car enters the shot. The camera will then return to the front angle and continue following Harry as he walks forwards now aware of the car. At a medium shot the audience will see both Harry and now the car that is following him. At one point the camera will stop as Harry stops, looking towards the car that has stopped at the same time as him. Harry will pause for a moment before walking in the opposite direction as he tries to avoid the car. The camera will now follow him in a wide shot for a few seconds before he decides to turn his head and look towards the car. As he does this a medium shot will follow his head in an angle that shows only him and the car that now has it's driver door open. In a split second the camera will move it's angle once again to reveal the person who has gotten out of the car and followed Harry. There will be a brief moment of struggle between the two before the abductor makes Harry unconscious with a cloth doused in chloroform. The camera will then slowly move backwards as the abductor drags Harry's body in the opposite direction towards the boot of his car. An establishing shot will then show this final moment of the abductor placing Harry in his car as the song 'we'll meet again' plays in the background and the credits begin rolling.

technical considerations of how to balance the climax and resolution:

Very smooth shots of Harry walking, and smooth panning to different angles as we mirror the way his head moves to view different things. We will then contrast this smooth panning to a very sharp, abrupt pan as we reveal the abductor. All of the shots will be hand held to show a very realistic, almost like the audience is there POV.

character's and names:

  • the victim (Harry): Harry resembles an innocent character that the audience can feel sympathy for as he is abducted. His clean clothes indicate his innocence but also the ability for them to get dirty quickly. This symbolises the idea that he is an easy target and will not put up a huge fight. Harry is an important part to the film as he engages the audience and leaves them wondering what will happen to him as we know he is not dead but only abducted.

  • the abductor: The abductor symbolises feeling of discomfort and danger as he is dressed in all black and concealed with the mask he wears. He creates a huge enigma in the plot line as you can not identify who he is but there is also a question behind his motive and why he has targeted Harry specifically. Is he working for someone else? He is a character that is fully consumed in darkness which is shown through his costume.

    practicalities of filming/content:

    • Our idea is realistic as it is such a typical idea that is seen in many thriller movies. It is also very common for people to be abducted this way as it is easy for the abductors to escape with the victim. The realism of our film is what will engage the audience.
    • A safety issue may occur as someone will need to drive a car in the film. We will assure that they are responsible and know what they are doing. Another safety issue is the other road users; as we are using a public street we need to be careful that we are not in anyone else's way. The fight scene is also a safety issue as we don't want any of our actors to get hurt. We will make sure that they are gentle with each other.
    • We will be filming at a more secluded street just a few minutes away from one of our houses. No permission is required as it is a public area. We will just need to be aware of any of the public.
    • We will be filming on Thursday the 19th of May at night time; meeting at 5:45 at Samuel's house. We will be filming for a few hours so finishing around 8:30. The sun sets around 5:45 which is perfect as we will be given enough time to set up and then start filming when it is dark. There is potential that there will be a few people around but this is also not likely as the location is quite secluded.
    • equipment required: two sony xd cameras (incase the battery starts to run out on one of them, a sd card, fleccie, boom, boom pole, microphone, headphones, camera shoulder mount rig)


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