Air NZ in flight safety video (case study)

How many hits did it get on Youtube? 
As of June 2022 the video has over 13 million views on YouTube and 88k likes. It attracted 120,000 views every hour when it was first released.

what year was this made?
2012 (10 years ago) 

Why is this a good example that illustrates how NZ film is used for a different purpose than the films created for the Big 5? 
The primary reason the Big 5 create their films is for revenue; they want money. This differs for NZ film as they care more about the film itself and the message it portrays than the reward that comes from it. This Air NZ safety video is a prime example as its primary purpose is to make sure everyone on the flight is safely equipped in case of an emergency. It is a video that focuses on the safety of the audience watching. However, it still serves the purpose of advertisement for the Hobbit movies. When watching this video the audience are intrigued to go watch the movies as it features many interesting characters. Although this is an advertisement for a film; the main objective is still not money. Through this film that was primarily filmed in NZ it gets to show off our beautiful landscape and interests the audience to come visit NZ. Tourism is more of an objective than money.

Was this safety video purely for entertainment? 
No this safety video was also to instruct all people in the flight what to do and how to conduct themselves in case of an emergency. However, this message was able to effectively be made through entertainment and the feature of the Hobbit. It is also important to make in flight videos entertaining like this one so little children will want to watch it as well so they know what to do in emergencies. You could also say this video was advertisement for the Hobbit movies which then links to tourism as the Hobbit movies show off NZ landscape and interest the audience to come visit. There is also a Hobbit themed location in the Waikato of NZ which has also become a tourist attraction.


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