Breaking Bad (representation essay) - study break homework


In this scene from the crime drama; Breaking Bad we can see a representation of age and gender. Age is contrasted to portray the idea that someone who is younger is out of depth, nervous, and can never really fulfil tasks given to them. In contrast, an older person is shown to be knowledgeable and
put together. Gender is also heavily represented in regards to the male gender as we only see encounters between men. They are portrayed as the ones who will break the law, are dominant and may get into a fight. Comparatively we only notice women doing typical things like shopping or serving customers at the till. They are only used as side characters. In this essay, we will go over how this meaning is displayed using the four technical elements; sound, editing, camera, and mis-En-scene.

Many shot-reverse-shots are used throughout this scene which allows the audience to contrast the two characters that are shown at the beginning; the scruffy younger guy and the more put together older man. Although shot-reverse-shots are normally used to show the type of relationship two characters may have, I believe it was used in this case to allow the audience to process these two characters and almost build assumptions around them. We already have a slight impression towards the older guy as we see him collect paint at the beginning of the scene through a panning shot. In a way, this shot is used as an establishing shot as the audience get a sense of the surrounding and environment the scene is taking place in. We also get a slight idea of what this character may be like as we establish our first impression around him. We understand that he is or was married through the mis-en-scene of his costume via the wedding ring. The prop of the paint also allows us to assume he is under-going or about to begin a project. The brand name of the paint being 'KILZ' could either be coincidental or ironic which we can confirm as we look further into the scene. However, through his enigma type characteristic we can almost assume that there will be some irony towards the name of the paint. It could also seem ironic that the KILZ label is written in red. Directly following this panning shot; we also see a close up shot of the paint which then tilts upwards to show a medium close up of the old man now holding the paint. Just like the first shot, we get a sense that the paint is being related to the man in a way almost like it is a symbol of him, or a symbol of what he may do.

An eye-line match is used shortly after to reveal what the old man is looking at as he looks into another shopper's cart. This eye-line match puts importance on the items within in the cart and also gives the audience some context as to why the older man could be intrigued and potentially an idea on what the project is he may be working on. The props within the cart are things such as acetone and other flammable items. It looks suspicious as there are many of them. This whole concept links back to the idea of gender as we expect and stereotype men to be more of the ones who will engage in illegal type activity. Although we are just assuming these men are engaging in illegal activity through the mis-en-scene; when we look at the whole context of the show this is confirmed. Breaking Bad is basically about the illegal manufacturing of drugs which makes a lot more sense as to why the older man was picking up paint in the first place (often an item that is used to create drugs). It also seems now more ironic in a way that the brand of paint is KILZ; as with context we know drugs could be harmful in this way and potentially kill people. In this way KILZ is symbolic and can be seen as a foreshadowing. A further proof of drugs is when we see the first shot of the younger male. He is dressed in scruffy, rugged clothing and can be seen with bloodshot eyes and a pale face; often symbolic of people who are involved with drugs. This also links to the idea of age as this image can be very stereotypical of young people. We get this huge contrast in age as although we see two characters of the same gender and same interest in the recreation of drugs; there is still a very clear difference between the two of them. The older man is seen in more organised, almost military like clothes with a shaved head which could signify that of a gang. The older man is dominant and territorial, he also knows what he is doing yet the younger one seems absolutely clueless. It's also interesting to note that later on when another male character is introduced, he too has a shaved head and can also be seen more dominant and territorial but still respectful in a sense to the older guy. This links to this idea that older people tend to gain more respect and are more authoritative and will be listened to.

Towards the end of this scene the older guy says the line; 'stay out of my territory' which ultimately finishes the scene as we then see the two younger men drive off. This dialogue hugely relates to the authoritative presence the older man/ generation have and relates to his territorial character. While this dialogue is portrayed we can hear a real grunge song in the background which is the first real non-diegetic sound to be used within the whole scene. It begins playing as the scene transitions from the setting within the store to the environment outside. Although both settings portray a feeling of discomfort they are also symbolic. Within the hardware store; very harsh white light is used which is contrasted to the dark night outside. In a way we could say the hardware store represents being in the public eye where characters act more respectable and once outside in the dark/shadows can act more like themselves. This links back to the territorial dialogue. There is only diegetic sound at the beginning of the scene which creates an empty and eerie feeling; linking to that discomfort the setting creates. This later contrasts the loud grungy non-diegetic music we hear. The pleonastic sound of items being scanned are symbolic of the old man's thought process as we watch him through jump cuts that have been edited to mirror the sound of the beeping. As we watch his blank expression we can see that he is thinking about something and in a way the beeping symbolises a countdown which finally reaches its duration when the man places the paint down; ceasing the sound and making up his mind. 

In conclusion, this scene from the tv series 'Breaking Bad' effectively uses the four technical elements of camera, editing, sound and mis-en-scene. It contains a linear narrative which relates to its verisimilitude, making it a clear and effective piece of film. 


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