lighting (foundation portfolio)

Our last preliminary task resulted in a very grainy film due to our very low lighting and harsh exposure. This time I have done some research as to why this may have been and how to avoid this problem in our foundation portfolio as we will once again be filming at night and may be limited with lighting as we are only filming outside.

A few basic tips:
  • you need a lot of light to get good footage
  • use a street lamp as the practical light --> make sure that the light hits the actors
  • the actors should face the light
  • the villains can face away from light to give a more mysterious look
  • you could use puddles as cool reflections of light
  • you can use a reflector to reflect light
  • shoot at 24fps (frames per second)

exposure triangle

the 3 main topics when it comes to exposure:

  1. iso
  2. shutter speed
  3. aperture

iso --> ISO is your camera's sensitivity to light as it pertains to either film or a digital sensor. A lower ISO value means less sensitivity to light, while a higher ISO means more sensitivity.

  • high iso=brighter image and more noise
  • noise --> Digital noise, or electronic noise, is randomness caused by your camera sensor and internal electronics, which introduce imperfections to an image.
  • don't shoot above the base iso
  • a sony xd camera's base iso is 800/4000 --> don't go above 800 iso

shutter speed --> The speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure and a slow shutter speed gives the camera a longer exposure.
  • don't go above 1/48

aperture --> Aperture refers to the opening of a lens's diaphragm through which light passes
  • keep wide open
  • find widest aperture lense
helpful videos:


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